Employers and...
Employee's plans change, and with that, childcare needs change. Let Capital Kids DC help your staff by offering back-up care for days when employees need it. Capital Kids DC has been serving the needs of Washington D.C. offices for almost 30 years. You can offer this essential service that will benefit employees, their children, and your company.
Plans can be tailored to meet your company's individual needs. All plans are based and renewed on a calendar year basis.
Please call to discuss with our Director!
We are happy to be working with your employer and you to provide quality early childhood education to your child.
You must complete the Enrollment Form prior to your child's first day. You will also need to ensure up-to-date immunization records and a DC Universal Health Certificate are on file. We encourage you to have these documents on file so that if the need for back-up care arises, you are ready! Pease give us a call if you have any questions.